DynForms (for Tape and Podio)

DynForms (for Tape and Podio) is a service that enables the creation of an unlimited* number of webforms. These webforms are accessible via a public URL (e.g. customername.dynforms.net), can span multiple pages, support all field types available in Tape or Podio, and allow for unlimited* file attachments.

All webforms are managed directly within a Tape or Podio workspace. This includes the configuration of each individual webform and the storage of all responses. Tape's and Podio's permissions system enables collaboration, allowing team members to be added to the workspace to jointly create and manage webforms.

By integrating with Tape Automation or Podio Workflow Automation (PWA), webform usage and response processing can be seamlessly connected to existing workflows and environments in Tape or Podio. Data security and storage: When a webform URL is accessed, the latest webform configuration is retrieved from the Tape or Podio workspace and delivered directly to the user's browser. Responses are transmitted securely to Tape or Podio via SSL encryption. At no point does the service store personal data permanently, nor does it retain IP addresses or other user information.

* Unlimited within the limits of the Tape or Podio API.

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